


When I wrote [[Website Architecture]], I simply wanted to publish them in a way that would be:

  1. Consistent with my code and development progress (I decided to commit them with my main codebase)
  2. Make it easier to navigate around either structurely (tree-based) or associatively (graph-based)
  3. Make it seamless to jot down any architecture thoughts, diagrams, etc

I did couple of deep dive to see if there is an easy way that people have done this before that fit my preferences. Fast forward couple of weeks, while I initially expect this to be minimal size as possible, I finally found a way that work, although it unfortunately enlarge my codebase a little bit more. Nevertheless, at the moment I am quite happy with it


Heavily Recommended to use Light Mode for best display of graph

This is my documentation/research/brain-storming playground. This will be directly available on my main website (https://datbdo.com) as well (as an Iframe, the actual site is https://docs.datbdo.com/).

Below are all the tools used within here:

  • Foam Extension: VSCode/GitHub-based note taking tools with thought connection capability
  • Gatsby JS with custom plugins based on gatsby-philipps-foam-theme: To generate it into a nice static webpages that can also be searchable
  • Vercel: Which allows me to (freely) deploy this to a public preview domains and included CICD
  • Also Route53 and NameCheap for Domain hosting and DNS mapping

Purposes? (Don't you already have blogs?)

Not sure if I would combine the two in the future but the way I see it: Blogs would be more opinionated and experience-based while this would be more data-based and research-heavy. This is not to say that the decision I made afterwards are not opionated, but this would just allow me to go deep into all different things and eventually connect them together

I also will document other side project that I am working on here (will slowly migrate all other docs here). You can go to [[Projects]] for more details
